Diabetes resources

Children's Diabetes Foundation

The Children's Diabetes Foundation is an organization that provides comprehensive resources and guidance for college students with type 1 diabetes. These resources are designed to help students manage their type 1 diabetes effectively while they are away from home. The organization offers a range of resources and services, including tips on how to stay healthy and communicate effectively with peers and instructors about type 1 diabetes care. Additionally, the Children's Diabetes Foundation provides scholarship opportunities and programs for students with type 1 diabetes. 

Pediatric Endocrine Society

The Pediatric Endocrine Society offers a transition toolkit for patients and families who have type 1 diabetes. The toolkit provides resources and information on how to transition from pediatric to adult healthcare. Some examples include various checklists, guides, and templates to help individuals navigate the process of transitioning, including ways to identify healthcare providers, understanding insurance considerations and communicating with healthcare professionals.

Endocrine Society

The Endocrine Society provides a wealth of resources on transition care for patients with Type 1 Diabetes and other endocrine disorders. These resources are designed to help patients and healthcare professionals navigate the process of transitioning from pediatric to adult care. The resources available from the Endocrine Society include comprehensive guidelines for transitioning, educational materials for patients, and sources of information for healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care during the transition process. Additionally, the Endocrine Society provides information on healthcare professionals who specialize in transition care and offers guidance on how to select the best possible care providers. 

Diabetes Self-Management

The Diabetes Self-Management website offers information on managing type 1 diabetes while attending college. It provides tips and advice on how to prepare for college and managing type 1 diabetes in the college setting.


The JDRF website provides ten tips and advice for individuals with type 1 diabetes that are transiting to college. The JDRF also provides useful information on communicating with peers and instructors about type 1 diabetes. 

The Diabetes Link

The Diabetes Link is a website that provides resoures and information for individuals living with diabetes. Some examples of resources that are provided include educational materials, tools for tracking and monitoring various health metrics, and more links to diabetes sources and support. It also provides tools on how to manage diabetes, ways to connect with other people with type 1 diabetes, connecting with healthcare providers and professionals, and scholarship opportunities available for students with type 1 diabetes. 

T1D Toolkit

The T1D Toolkit is a website that offers resources and information for people of all ages living with type 1 diabetes. Some of these resources include educational materials which highlights diabetes and exercise as well as building a support network for students beginning college. Additionally, the Toolkit provides information regarding type 1 diabetes technology such as glucose monitors and meters. It also provides information on finding and joining support groups and diabetes research and advocacy. 

Beyond Type 1

Beyond Type 1 is an online diabetes organization with a focus on diabetes awareness, funding, education, and research.

CDC Diabetes Prevention

The CDC website provides information on type 1 diabetes, including how it can be diagnosed, symptoms, and ways to manage it. It also provides resources on the transition from pediatric to adult care.

diaTribe Foundation

The Diatribe Foundatioin offers type 1 diabetes advice, information, and helpful tips while attending college. It includes information on how to prepare for college, how to manage type 1 diabetes while in college, and how to navigate the college setting.

American Diabetes Association

The Diabetes Care Journal presented by the ADA provides information on how to prepare students with diabetes to attend college. It provides helpful insights on how to communicate with other students and professors about type 1 diabetes.

College Scholarships

The College Scholarships website provides resources on scholarships that are available to those students with diabetes. It provides information on how to apply to a range of scholarships and what criteria are utilized to determine eligibility.

Got Transition

Got Tansition presents Information on best practices for general transition to adult-oriented health care; answers to frequently asked questions about transition. 

Transition Readiness Questionnaire